- 'It was really was a political calculus, by the Liberals to scapegoat newcomers, for their failures in their policies,' says NDP MP Jenny Kwan.
- 'It was really was a political calculus, by the Liberals to scapegoat newcomers, for their failures in their policies,' says NDP MP Jenny Kwan.
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- MPs have told family members seeking to bring relatives to Canada that arrivals aren't expected until 2027 and 2028.
- MPs have told family members seeking to bring relatives to Canada that arrivals aren't expected until 2027 and 2028.
- MPs have told family members seeking to bring relatives to Canada that arrivals aren't expected until 2027 and 2028.
- No Uyghur refugees have been resettled in Canada yet, but hope persists that arrivals could begin in November, according to advocate Mehmet Tohti.
- No Uyghur refugees have been resettled in Canada yet, but hope persists that arrivals could begin in November, according to advocate Mehmet Tohti.
- No Uyghur refugees have been resettled in Canada yet, but hope persists that arrivals could begin in November, according to advocate Mehmet Tohti.
- Regularization is not about rewarding lawbreakers; it's about rectifying systemic failings that leave many people vulnerable and uncertain.
- Regularization is not about rewarding lawbreakers; it's about rectifying systemic failings that leave many people vulnerable and uncertain.
- Regularization is not about rewarding lawbreakers; it's about rectifying systemic failings that leave many people vulnerable and uncertain.
- It is important that we prioritize and support undocumented people from marginalized backgrounds instead of excluding them with unfair requirements.

- It is important that we prioritize and support undocumented people from marginalized backgrounds instead of excluding them with unfair requirements.
- It is important that we prioritize and support undocumented people from marginalized backgrounds instead of excluding them with unfair requirements.

- With emergency shelters overwhelmed, and alarming headlines telling of refugee claimants sleeping on the streets in Toronto and other major Canadian cities, this is

- With emergency shelters overwhelmed, and alarming headlines telling of refugee claimants sleeping on the streets in Toronto and other major Canadian cities, this is
- With emergency shelters overwhelmed, and alarming headlines telling of refugee claimants sleeping on the streets in Toronto and other major Canadian cities, this is

- Only 300 refugee claims filed by the thousands of asylum seekers flowing across the Canadian border in Quebec in recent months have been processed

- Only 300 refugee claims filed by the thousands of asylum seekers flowing across the Canadian border in Quebec in recent months have been processed
- Only 300 refugee claims filed by the thousands of asylum seekers flowing across the Canadian border in Quebec in recent months have been processed

- Canadians are recognized around the world for their hospitality and generosity, especially when it comes to refugees and asylum seekers. Many asylum seekers flee
- Canadians are recognized around the world for their hospitality and generosity, especially when it comes to refugees and asylum seekers. Many asylum seekers flee
- Canadians are recognized around the world for their hospitality and generosity, especially when it comes to refugees and asylum seekers. Many asylum seekers flee
- GATINEAU, QUE.—The influx of mostly-Haitian asylum seekers across the Quebec border could hardly have come at a more delicate time. In the United States,

- GATINEAU, QUE.—The influx of mostly-Haitian asylum seekers across the Quebec border could hardly have come at a more delicate time. In the United States,
- GATINEAU, QUE.—The influx of mostly-Haitian asylum seekers across the Quebec border could hardly have come at a more delicate time. In the United States,

- It’s been a learning experience for Liberal MP Brenda Shanahan, whose riding is where scores of asylum-seekers have recently crossed over from the United

- It’s been a learning experience for Liberal MP Brenda Shanahan, whose riding is where scores of asylum-seekers have recently crossed over from the United
- It’s been a learning experience for Liberal MP Brenda Shanahan, whose riding is where scores of asylum-seekers have recently crossed over from the United

- OTTAWA—Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t. Such is the dilemma facing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with the increase in ambulatory migrants arriving
- OTTAWA—Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t. Such is the dilemma facing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with the increase in ambulatory migrants arriving
- OTTAWA—Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t. Such is the dilemma facing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with the increase in ambulatory migrants arriving
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau travelled on Wednesday to Montreal—ground zero of the intense media coverage of the asylum-seeking issue—to try to unknit some of his own

- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau travelled on Wednesday to Montreal—ground zero of the intense media coverage of the asylum-seeking issue—to try to unknit some of his own
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau travelled on Wednesday to Montreal—ground zero of the intense media coverage of the asylum-seeking issue—to try to unknit some of his own

- If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is going to tweet that refugees are welcome in Canada, he needs to ensure the system that determines whether
- If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is going to tweet that refugees are welcome in Canada, he needs to ensure the system that determines whether
- If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is going to tweet that refugees are welcome in Canada, he needs to ensure the system that determines whether
- Re: “Trump’s ‘principled realism’ is anything but” (The Hill Times, May 31, p. 9) Turkey’s resolve to wipe out Daesh (also known as ISIL, ISIS,
Opinion | June 14, 2017
Opinion | June 14, 2017
- Re: “Trump’s ‘principled realism’ is anything but” (The Hill Times, May 31, p. 9) Turkey’s resolve to wipe out Daesh (also known as ISIL, ISIS,
Opinion | June 14, 2017
- Re: “Trump’s ‘principled realism’ is anything but” (The Hill Times, May 31, p. 9) Turkey’s resolve to wipe out Daesh (also known as ISIL, ISIS,
- A group that advocates for threatened writers who’ve sought asylum in Canada says the federal government should expedite the process for bringing their family members,

- A group that advocates for threatened writers who’ve sought asylum in Canada says the federal government should expedite the process for bringing their family members,
- A group that advocates for threatened writers who’ve sought asylum in Canada says the federal government should expedite the process for bringing their family members,

- Conservative leadership candidate Maxime Bernier last week announced some new support from the heart of Conservative country—Alberta. He announced endorsements from seven Wildrose Party
- Conservative leadership candidate Maxime Bernier last week announced some new support from the heart of Conservative country—Alberta. He announced endorsements from seven Wildrose Party
- Conservative leadership candidate Maxime Bernier last week announced some new support from the heart of Conservative country—Alberta. He announced endorsements from seven Wildrose Party
- The news coming out of Stockholm is all too familiar these days. A man stole a beer truck and drove it down a popular
- The news coming out of Stockholm is all too familiar these days. A man stole a beer truck and drove it down a popular
- The news coming out of Stockholm is all too familiar these days. A man stole a beer truck and drove it down a popular
- Many Canadians now know what it means to sponsor refugees, thanks to Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program (PSRP). The opportunity for civil participation
- Many Canadians now know what it means to sponsor refugees, thanks to Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program (PSRP). The opportunity for civil participation
- Many Canadians now know what it means to sponsor refugees, thanks to Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program (PSRP). The opportunity for civil participation