- 'It was really was a political calculus, by the Liberals to scapegoat newcomers, for their failures in their policies,' says NDP MP Jenny Kwan.
- 'It was really was a political calculus, by the Liberals to scapegoat newcomers, for their failures in their policies,' says NDP MP Jenny Kwan.
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- MPs have told family members seeking to bring relatives to Canada that arrivals aren't expected until 2027 and 2028.
- MPs have told family members seeking to bring relatives to Canada that arrivals aren't expected until 2027 and 2028.
- MPs have told family members seeking to bring relatives to Canada that arrivals aren't expected until 2027 and 2028.
- No Uyghur refugees have been resettled in Canada yet, but hope persists that arrivals could begin in November, according to advocate Mehmet Tohti.
- No Uyghur refugees have been resettled in Canada yet, but hope persists that arrivals could begin in November, according to advocate Mehmet Tohti.
- No Uyghur refugees have been resettled in Canada yet, but hope persists that arrivals could begin in November, according to advocate Mehmet Tohti.
- Regularization is not about rewarding lawbreakers; it's about rectifying systemic failings that leave many people vulnerable and uncertain.
- Regularization is not about rewarding lawbreakers; it's about rectifying systemic failings that leave many people vulnerable and uncertain.
- Regularization is not about rewarding lawbreakers; it's about rectifying systemic failings that leave many people vulnerable and uncertain.
- It is important that we prioritize and support undocumented people from marginalized backgrounds instead of excluding them with unfair requirements.

- It is important that we prioritize and support undocumented people from marginalized backgrounds instead of excluding them with unfair requirements.
- It is important that we prioritize and support undocumented people from marginalized backgrounds instead of excluding them with unfair requirements.

- With emergency shelters overwhelmed, and alarming headlines telling of refugee claimants sleeping on the streets in Toronto and other major Canadian cities, this is

- With emergency shelters overwhelmed, and alarming headlines telling of refugee claimants sleeping on the streets in Toronto and other major Canadian cities, this is
- With emergency shelters overwhelmed, and alarming headlines telling of refugee claimants sleeping on the streets in Toronto and other major Canadian cities, this is

- There is an enormous amount of consequential human rights legislation approaching the parliamentary finish line. The time to get it across shrinks daily. Only
- There is an enormous amount of consequential human rights legislation approaching the parliamentary finish line. The time to get it across shrinks daily. Only
- There is an enormous amount of consequential human rights legislation approaching the parliamentary finish line. The time to get it across shrinks daily. Only
- This is a tale of two tales. Not tall tales but real ones siphoned from the storied vaults of the Immigration and Refugee Board

- This is a tale of two tales. Not tall tales but real ones siphoned from the storied vaults of the Immigration and Refugee Board
- This is a tale of two tales. Not tall tales but real ones siphoned from the storied vaults of the Immigration and Refugee Board

- When I turned 10 on March 12, 2011, we had been living in Homs for about four months. The atmosphere was shifting in Syria.
- When I turned 10 on March 12, 2011, we had been living in Homs for about four months. The atmosphere was shifting in Syria.
- When I turned 10 on March 12, 2011, we had been living in Homs for about four months. The atmosphere was shifting in Syria.
- Canada’s refugee system is ill prepared to handle the surge in irregular border crossers arriving from south of the border, which has led to
- Canada’s refugee system is ill prepared to handle the surge in irregular border crossers arriving from south of the border, which has led to
- Canada’s refugee system is ill prepared to handle the surge in irregular border crossers arriving from south of the border, which has led to
- Alan Kurdi. In case this name has escaped from memory over the past few years, surely the image has not; he was the “boy
- Alan Kurdi. In case this name has escaped from memory over the past few years, surely the image has not; he was the “boy
- Alan Kurdi. In case this name has escaped from memory over the past few years, surely the image has not; he was the “boy
- The Liberal government’s move to toughen up the refugee system is a signal to voters that fairness is the party’s priority when it comes
- The Liberal government’s move to toughen up the refugee system is a signal to voters that fairness is the party’s priority when it comes
- The Liberal government’s move to toughen up the refugee system is a signal to voters that fairness is the party’s priority when it comes
- I recently returned from a humanitarian mission in Venezuela. I witnessed an entire people’s survival being instrumentalized for political aims. Food and medicine have
- I recently returned from a humanitarian mission in Venezuela. I witnessed an entire people’s survival being instrumentalized for political aims. Food and medicine have
- I recently returned from a humanitarian mission in Venezuela. I witnessed an entire people’s survival being instrumentalized for political aims. Food and medicine have
- As a “very important strategic location,” Turkey has an “influential” role to play in the fight against global terrorism and in catching foreign fighters,
- As a “very important strategic location,” Turkey has an “influential” role to play in the fight against global terrorism and in catching foreign fighters,
- As a “very important strategic location,” Turkey has an “influential” role to play in the fight against global terrorism and in catching foreign fighters,
- When Canada convenes the Lima Group on Feb. 4, which since August 2017 has been trying to find a peaceful solution to the crisis

- When Canada convenes the Lima Group on Feb. 4, which since August 2017 has been trying to find a peaceful solution to the crisis
- When Canada convenes the Lima Group on Feb. 4, which since August 2017 has been trying to find a peaceful solution to the crisis

- The United Nations global migration pact has sovereignty written into the non-binding agreement, says a representative of the United Nations’ refugee agency in response to
- The United Nations global migration pact has sovereignty written into the non-binding agreement, says a representative of the United Nations’ refugee agency in response to
- The United Nations global migration pact has sovereignty written into the non-binding agreement, says a representative of the United Nations’ refugee agency in response to
- OTTAWA—Think back through the years and see if you can remember a more petty, vengeful act by a political leader than Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s
- OTTAWA—Think back through the years and see if you can remember a more petty, vengeful act by a political leader than Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s
- OTTAWA—Think back through the years and see if you can remember a more petty, vengeful act by a political leader than Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s
- Parliamentarians should be careful not to politicize refugees, especially when their levels are “entirely manageable” like in Canada, says a United Nations refugee official.
- Parliamentarians should be careful not to politicize refugees, especially when their levels are “entirely manageable” like in Canada, says a United Nations refugee official.
- Parliamentarians should be careful not to politicize refugees, especially when their levels are “entirely manageable” like in Canada, says a United Nations refugee official.