Hill Life & People
- Plus, an ‘election convoy’ plans to ‘slow roll’ into Ottawa this weekend.
- Plus, an ‘election convoy’ plans to ‘slow roll’ into Ottawa this weekend.
- Post-shuffle staffing decisions are starting to roll in, and Finance and Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc has also confirmed two key comms staff.
- Post-shuffle staffing decisions are starting to roll in, and Finance and Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc has also confirmed two key comms staff.
The Wellington Building was evacuated during the lunch hour on Dec. 10, with police blocking off nearby streets.
- Former Liberal MP and businessman Frank Baylis represented the Montreal riding of Pierrefonds-Dollard from 2015 to 2019, but chose not to seek re-election.
- Former Liberal MP and businessman Frank Baylis represented the Montreal riding of Pierrefonds-Dollard from 2015 to 2019, but chose not to seek re-election.
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