- Despite the recent media debates, misrepresentations, and polarized demands for more or less regulation, C-21 is a critical step forward.
- Despite the recent media debates, misrepresentations, and polarized demands for more or less regulation, C-21 is a critical step forward.
- The impasse in Parliament is now in its fourth week as Conservatives continue to demand the feds release unreacted SDTC documents to RCMP.
- The impasse in Parliament is now in its fourth week as Conservatives continue to demand the feds release unreacted SDTC documents to RCMP.
- CSG Senator Scott Tannas says the Red Chamber has ‘enough business to keep us busy’ as the privilege debate drags on in the House, stalling legislation such as Ways and Means Motion No. 26.
- CSG Senator Scott Tannas says the Red Chamber has ‘enough business to keep us busy’ as the privilege debate drags on in the House, stalling legislation such as Ways and Means Motion No. 26.
- The new legislation deliberately avoids providing the same boost for English speakers in Quebec as it does for francophones in the rest of Canada.
- The new legislation deliberately avoids providing the same boost for English speakers in Quebec as it does for francophones in the rest of Canada.
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- Senators say a substantial committee study will be required to review Bill C-282, and their work won't be affected by the Bloc's Oct. 29 deadline.
- Senators say a substantial committee study will be required to review Bill C-282, and their work won't be affected by the Bloc's Oct. 29 deadline.