Friday, July 26, 2024
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Friday, July 26, 2024 | Latest Paper

Michael Harris

Michael Harris is a writer, journalist, and documentary filmmaker. He was awarded a doctor of laws for his “unceasing pursuit of justice for the less fortunate among us.” His nine books include Justice Denied, Unholy Orders, Rare Ambition, Lament for an Ocean and Con Game. His work has sparked four commissions of inquiry and three of his books have been made into movies. His book on the Harper majority government, Party of One, was a No. 1 bestseller. Follow Michael Harris on Twitter at @HarrisAuthor

Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 22, 2024
Despite thousands of lies, 34 felony convictions, a sexual assault conviction, and multiple pending criminal and civil cases, Donald Trump has been embraced by Republicans, writes Michael Harris. Wikimedia Commons photograph
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 22, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 22, 2024
Despite thousands of lies, 34 felony convictions, a sexual assault conviction, and multiple pending criminal and civil cases, Donald Trump has been embraced by Republicans, writes Michael Harris. Wikimedia Commons photograph
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 15, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party are dealing with the public's 'Trudeau fatigue.' The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade/illustration by Neena Singhal
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 15, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 15, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party are dealing with the public's 'Trudeau fatigue.' The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade/illustration by Neena Singhal
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 8, 2024
The same court that decided the U.S. Justice Department erred in charging some of the Jan. 6, 2021, rioters with obstructing a Congressional proceeding, will determine things like enforcing environmental law, and every one of the court's decisions is in lock-step with the MAGA effort to dismantle the 'administrative state,' writes Michael Harris. Photograph courtesy of Flickr/Gage Skidmore
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 8, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 8, 2024
The same court that decided the U.S. Justice Department erred in charging some of the Jan. 6, 2021, rioters with obstructing a Congressional proceeding, will determine things like enforcing environmental law, and every one of the court's decisions is in lock-step with the MAGA effort to dismantle the 'administrative state,' writes Michael Harris. Photograph courtesy of Flickr/Gage Skidmore
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 1, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, pictured on April 17, addressing his caucus on the Hill. Some say the loss of a perennial Liberal safe seat in the recent byelection changes everything. If Toronto-St. Paul’s is no longer safe, what Liberal seat is?  The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 1, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | July 1, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, pictured on April 17, addressing his caucus on the Hill. Some say the loss of a perennial Liberal safe seat in the recent byelection changes everything. If Toronto-St. Paul’s is no longer safe, what Liberal seat is?  The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 24, 2024
The contenders: Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, left, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Predicting how people will vote a year from now is not as simple as voting intention polls suggest, writes Michael Harris.    The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 24, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 24, 2024
The contenders: Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, left, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Predicting how people will vote a year from now is not as simple as voting intention polls suggest, writes Michael Harris.    The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 17, 2024
All Donald Trump, pictured in this illustration, now has to do is win the 2024 presidential election and he can wipe his own slate clean, as he has promised to do for the J6 rioters who have been sent to prison for their crimes, writes columnist Michael Harris. Illustration courtesy of Pixabay
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 17, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 17, 2024
All Donald Trump, pictured in this illustration, now has to do is win the 2024 presidential election and he can wipe his own slate clean, as he has promised to do for the J6 rioters who have been sent to prison for their crimes, writes columnist Michael Harris. Illustration courtesy of Pixabay
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 10, 2024
Liberal MP David McGuinty heads the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, which released an explosive report last week, which released an explosive report last week alleging that some elected officials 'began wittingly assisting foreign state actors soon after their election.' The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 10, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 10, 2024
Liberal MP David McGuinty heads the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, which released an explosive report last week, which released an explosive report last week alleging that some elected officials 'began wittingly assisting foreign state actors soon after their election.' The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 3, 2024
Palestinians inspect the ruins of Aklouk Tower destroyed in Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City on Oct. 8, 2023, the day after Hamas killed 1,200 people in Israel and took more than 200 hostage. Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 3, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | June 3, 2024
Palestinians inspect the ruins of Aklouk Tower destroyed in Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City on Oct. 8, 2023, the day after Hamas killed 1,200 people in Israel and took more than 200 hostage. Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 27, 2024
Donald Trump’s greatest contribution to the toxic, partisan mud bath that politics has become, is the ex-president’s industrial scale lying, writes Michael Harris. Image courtesy of
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 27, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 27, 2024
Donald Trump’s greatest contribution to the toxic, partisan mud bath that politics has become, is the ex-president’s industrial scale lying, writes Michael Harris. Image courtesy of
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 20, 2024
Just when it appeared that Donald Trump couldn’t go any further in his systematic deconstruction of American institutions—he did, writes Michael Harris. Photograph courtesy of Flickr
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 20, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 20, 2024
Just when it appeared that Donald Trump couldn’t go any further in his systematic deconstruction of American institutions—he did, writes Michael Harris. Photograph courtesy of Flickr
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 13, 2024
Former U.S. president Donald Trump, pictured, has turned due process into undue process, gaming the system to avoid any and all accountability in his criminal trials, writes Michael Harris. Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 13, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 13, 2024
Former U.S. president Donald Trump, pictured, has turned due process into undue process, gaming the system to avoid any and all accountability in his criminal trials, writes Michael Harris. Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 6, 2024
Liberal MPs Pam Damoff, left, Francesco Sorbara and Salma Zahid. Damoff announced she would not run in the next election, citing misogyny, death threats, misinformation, disinformation, and the lack of civility. Politics is a place for bullies and belligerence, not public-spirited Canadians who want to serve their country, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 6, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | May 6, 2024
Liberal MPs Pam Damoff, left, Francesco Sorbara and Salma Zahid. Damoff announced she would not run in the next election, citing misogyny, death threats, misinformation, disinformation, and the lack of civility. Politics is a place for bullies and belligerence, not public-spirited Canadians who want to serve their country, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 29, 2024
Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, left, has reached the limit to how far conservative politicians can carry the demonization of Justin Trudeau, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 29, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 29, 2024
Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, left, has reached the limit to how far conservative politicians can carry the demonization of Justin Trudeau, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 22, 2024
Donald Trump
Donald Trump's hush-money trial started last week in New York City and is expected to last six weeks. If Trump can convince voters that the justice system is corrupt, the way he persuaded millions of America that he really won the 2020 election, they may give him a political pardon in November. Even if he is convicted in that New York courthouse. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 22, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 22, 2024
Donald Trump
Donald Trump's hush-money trial started last week in New York City and is expected to last six weeks. If Trump can convince voters that the justice system is corrupt, the way he persuaded millions of America that he really won the 2020 election, they may give him a political pardon in November. Even if he is convicted in that New York courthouse. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 8, 2024
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 8, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 8, 2024
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 1, 2024
While Donald Trump, left, pictured with singer Lee Greenwood, flogs Bibles and lurches from one courthouse to another, U.S. President Joe Biden is flush with cash and barnstorming in the swing states that will likely decide who wins the White House. The Donald and his spineless enablers should start praying, writes Michael Harris. Handout photograph
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 1, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | April 1, 2024
While Donald Trump, left, pictured with singer Lee Greenwood, flogs Bibles and lurches from one courthouse to another, U.S. President Joe Biden is flush with cash and barnstorming in the swing states that will likely decide who wins the White House. The Donald and his spineless enablers should start praying, writes Michael Harris. Handout photograph
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 25, 2024
We are living in the midst of a crisis of credibility, a time when most people don’t know who or what to trust. Things have grown so desperate south of the border, that a man who wants to suspend the Constitution and preside over a dictatorship is leading in the polls. Never mind that he might also be on his way to jail, writes Michael Harris. Image courtesy of Pexels
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 25, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 25, 2024
We are living in the midst of a crisis of credibility, a time when most people don’t know who or what to trust. Things have grown so desperate south of the border, that a man who wants to suspend the Constitution and preside over a dictatorship is leading in the polls. Never mind that he might also be on his way to jail, writes Michael Harris. Image courtesy of Pexels
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 18, 2024
Joe Biden, left, and Donald Trump. If Biden had been an American soldier, sailor, marine, or member of the space force, he would have been retired now for 17 years, and Trump is no spring chicken. Who wants to see a pair of really old guys taking their canes to one another in one last blast of ego liberation, writes Michael Harris.     The Hill Times photograph by Sam Garcia and courtesy Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 18, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 18, 2024
Joe Biden, left, and Donald Trump. If Biden had been an American soldier, sailor, marine, or member of the space force, he would have been retired now for 17 years, and Trump is no spring chicken. Who wants to see a pair of really old guys taking their canes to one another in one last blast of ego liberation, writes Michael Harris.     The Hill Times photograph by Sam Garcia and courtesy Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 11, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government have played the moral lightweight in the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 11, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 11, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government have played the moral lightweight in the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 4, 2024
Donald Trump
Donald Trump is the well-spring of the caustic extremism that has turned the United States into a bitter and divided nation. Consider what he and his enablers have in mind with their so-called Project 2025 plans, writes Michael Harris.    Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 4, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | March 4, 2024
Donald Trump
Donald Trump is the well-spring of the caustic extremism that has turned the United States into a bitter and divided nation. Consider what he and his enablers have in mind with their so-called Project 2025 plans, writes Michael Harris.    Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 26, 2024
Though pundits suggest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hand over the reins to a new leader, the Liberal Party has had broad experience with leadership changes that didn’t work, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 26, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 26, 2024
Though pundits suggest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hand over the reins to a new leader, the Liberal Party has had broad experience with leadership changes that didn’t work, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 19, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, pictured on the Hill on Jan. 31, 2024. Thanking the Auditor Geneal for writing what could be your political epitaph isn’t fooling anyone, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 19, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 19, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, pictured on the Hill on Jan. 31, 2024. Thanking the Auditor Geneal for writing what could be your political epitaph isn’t fooling anyone, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 12, 2024
The politicians whom Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy trusted to have his back in his country’s existential struggle against Russian invaders have betrayed him, writes Michael Harris.   Image courtesy of YouTube
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 12, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 12, 2024
The politicians whom Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy trusted to have his back in his country’s existential struggle against Russian invaders have betrayed him, writes Michael Harris.   Image courtesy of YouTube
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 5, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was at his most authentic during the pandemic, and he can reclaim that in the fight against climate change, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 5, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | February 5, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was at his most authentic during the pandemic, and he can reclaim that in the fight against climate change, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 29, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, former U.S. president Donald Trump, and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. If Trump should win in 2024, that could be a planet-changing moment. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade and courtesy Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 29, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 29, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, former U.S. president Donald Trump, and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. If Trump should win in 2024, that could be a planet-changing moment. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade and courtesy Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 22, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in trouble because of the family vacation he took to Jamaica this Christmas. He and the family stayed for free at a luxury villa owned by a family friend, but opposition MPs want to know more about how the trip was cleared by the ethics commissioner. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 22, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 22, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in trouble because of the family vacation he took to Jamaica this Christmas. He and the family stayed for free at a luxury villa owned by a family friend, but opposition MPs want to know more about how the trip was cleared by the ethics commissioner. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 15, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. If the decision is Trudeau must go, equal attention must be paid to whether Poilievre is the answer. And that means determining if he deserves his 17 per cent lead in the polls, and the prospect of a majority government that represents, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 15, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 15, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. If the decision is Trudeau must go, equal attention must be paid to whether Poilievre is the answer. And that means determining if he deserves his 17 per cent lead in the polls, and the prospect of a majority government that represents, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 8, 2024
U.S. President Joe Biden has adopted an impossible and losing position on the Gaza War. On the one hand, he has made the futile effort to get Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the indiscriminate bombing and adopt a more targeted military response, in the name of humanitarian considerations, writes Michael Harris.   Photograph courtesy of Flickr
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 8, 2024
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | January 8, 2024
U.S. President Joe Biden has adopted an impossible and losing position on the Gaza War. On the one hand, he has made the futile effort to get Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the indiscriminate bombing and adopt a more targeted military response, in the name of humanitarian considerations, writes Michael Harris.   Photograph courtesy of Flickr
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 21, 2023
Joy Saunders’ remarkable contribution did not go unnoticed. She is probably the most beloved person in Lunenburg, N.S. But the country noticed too. Joy was awarded the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers by Canada’s Governor General on Feb. 26, 2021, writes Michael Harris. Image courtesy of Pexels
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 21, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 21, 2023
Joy Saunders’ remarkable contribution did not go unnoticed. She is probably the most beloved person in Lunenburg, N.S. But the country noticed too. Joy was awarded the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers by Canada’s Governor General on Feb. 26, 2021, writes Michael Harris. Image courtesy of Pexels
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 18, 2023
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, right, will get his carbon “tax” election, while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, will make an appeal to ramp up the fight against climate change by staying with carbon pricing, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 18, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 18, 2023
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, right, will get his carbon “tax” election, while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, will make an appeal to ramp up the fight against climate change by staying with carbon pricing, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 11, 2023
U.S. President Joe Biden, left, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are facing electorates that are not overly enamoured of either of their respective leadership choices at the next election, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Sam Garcia
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 11, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 11, 2023
U.S. President Joe Biden, left, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are facing electorates that are not overly enamoured of either of their respective leadership choices at the next election, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Sam Garcia
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 4, 2023
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, pictured, has opened a new 'American card' front in his crusade to paint Justin Trudeau as a feckless, spoiled brat, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 4, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | December 4, 2023
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, pictured, has opened a new 'American card' front in his crusade to paint Justin Trudeau as a feckless, spoiled brat, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 27, 2023
Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre speaks at the Conservative caucus meeting in the West Block on Nov. 1, 2023. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 27, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 27, 2023
Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre speaks at the Conservative caucus meeting in the West Block on Nov. 1, 2023. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 20, 2023
For weeks now, poll numbers for Justin Trudeau, left, have resembled the heart monitor of a patient on his way out. Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is riding an anti-Trudeau tide that may well lead to political fortune, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Sam Garcia and Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 20, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 20, 2023
For weeks now, poll numbers for Justin Trudeau, left, have resembled the heart monitor of a patient on his way out. Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is riding an anti-Trudeau tide that may well lead to political fortune, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Sam Garcia and Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 13, 2023
Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault has been told that only 45 per cent of the government’s carbon reduction plans had implementation deadlines.   The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 13, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 13, 2023
Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault has been told that only 45 per cent of the government’s carbon reduction plans had implementation deadlines.   The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 6, 2023
If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were to resign, the clear advantage the official opposition now enjoys in the polls would be at risk, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 6, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | November 6, 2023
If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were to resign, the clear advantage the official opposition now enjoys in the polls would be at risk, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 30, 2023
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, pictured in Canada in 2012, could opt for a more targeted approach to taking out Hamas that would avoid the territory becoming a killing field beyond imagination, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Sam Garcia
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 30, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 30, 2023
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, pictured in Canada in 2012, could opt for a more targeted approach to taking out Hamas that would avoid the territory becoming a killing field beyond imagination, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Sam Garcia
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 23, 2023
U.S. journalist Walter Cronkite conducts an interview in Hue, near the border of North Vietnam and South Vietnam, in 1968. Great journalists like him covered war not as proponents of one side or the other, but as the ones writing the first rough draft of history, writes Michael Harris. Wikimedia Commons photograph by National Archives and Records Administration
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 23, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 23, 2023
U.S. journalist Walter Cronkite conducts an interview in Hue, near the border of North Vietnam and South Vietnam, in 1968. Great journalists like him covered war not as proponents of one side or the other, but as the ones writing the first rough draft of history, writes Michael Harris. Wikimedia Commons photograph by National Archives and Records Administration
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 16, 2023
Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly said the death match between Israel and Hamas will get worse before it gets better, and that one of her key objectives is to speak to all parties in the conflict, including neighbouring countries, to find a way to de-escalate a confrontation, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 16, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 16, 2023
Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly said the death match between Israel and Hamas will get worse before it gets better, and that one of her key objectives is to speak to all parties in the conflict, including neighbouring countries, to find a way to de-escalate a confrontation, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 9, 2023
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India on Feb. 23, 2023. Trudeau hasn’t told Canadians what the evidence is in this case that he says points to the involvement of the Indian government. If there is a smoking gun, why hasn’t it been acted on? Photograph courtesy of Narendra Modi's Twitter account
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 9, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 9, 2023
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India on Feb. 23, 2023. Trudeau hasn’t told Canadians what the evidence is in this case that he says points to the involvement of the Indian government. If there is a smoking gun, why hasn’t it been acted on? Photograph courtesy of Narendra Modi's Twitter account
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 2, 2023
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has enough on his plate, without having to worry about whether some of his key backers are about to run out on him, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 2, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | October 2, 2023
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has enough on his plate, without having to worry about whether some of his key backers are about to run out on him, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | September 25, 2023
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh face different hurdles as Parliament returns, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | September 25, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | September 25, 2023
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh face different hurdles as Parliament returns, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | September 18, 2023
Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre at the party's policy convention in Québec City on Sept. 8, 2023. His party has learned nothing from the pandemic, nothing from its support of the disastrous Freedom Convoy, and nothing from the sick excesses of Trumpian politics it seems so hell-bent to emulate, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | September 18, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | September 18, 2023
Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre at the party's policy convention in Québec City on Sept. 8, 2023. His party has learned nothing from the pandemic, nothing from its support of the disastrous Freedom Convoy, and nothing from the sick excesses of Trumpian politics it seems so hell-bent to emulate, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | September 11, 2023
It is time for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to realize that Conservative Leadership Pierre Poilievre is a politician the way that Ty Cobb and Pete Rose were baseball players: all in and playing for keeps. He won’t beat himself, you will have to beat him, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | September 11, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | September 11, 2023
It is time for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to realize that Conservative Leadership Pierre Poilievre is a politician the way that Ty Cobb and Pete Rose were baseball players: all in and playing for keeps. He won’t beat himself, you will have to beat him, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | August 28, 2023
Donald Trump
Every new twist and turn in the melodrama that is former U.S. president Donald Trump gives Americans another reason to lose trust in their institutions.  Wikimedia Commons photograph by Gage Skidmore
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | August 28, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | August 28, 2023
Donald Trump
Every new twist and turn in the melodrama that is former U.S. president Donald Trump gives Americans another reason to lose trust in their institutions.  Wikimedia Commons photograph by Gage Skidmore
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | August 21, 2023
The Conservative Party is hoping that money and marketing can make leader Pierre Poilievre electable in a way in which his record does not, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | August 21, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | August 21, 2023
The Conservative Party is hoping that money and marketing can make leader Pierre Poilievre electable in a way in which his record does not, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | August 14, 2023
Justin Trudeau, left, and Jagmeet Singh must stop pussy-footing around with people who are thugs rather than protesters, and Pierre Poilievre should make clear to the forces on the extreme right of his base that violence can never be a legitimate political tool, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade and Sam Garcia
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | August 14, 2023
Opinion | BY MICHAEL HARRIS | August 14, 2023
Justin Trudeau, left, and Jagmeet Singh must stop pussy-footing around with people who are thugs rather than protesters, and Pierre Poilievre should make clear to the forces on the extreme right of his base that violence can never be a legitimate political tool, writes Michael Harris. The Hill Times photographs by Andrew Meade and Sam Garcia