Foreign Policy
- 'We would like Hassan Diab to be extradited to France to serve his sentence, but we don’t interfere in that,' says Israeli Ambassador Iddo Moed.
- 'We would like Hassan Diab to be extradited to France to serve his sentence, but we don’t interfere in that,' says Israeli Ambassador Iddo Moed.
- Canada should take advantage of the CORE review, and imminent talks on a global binding treaty on business and human rights.
- Canada should take advantage of the CORE review, and imminent talks on a global binding treaty on business and human rights.
- Supporting peace talks is not merely a strategic choice; it is a moral imperative.
- Supporting peace talks is not merely a strategic choice; it is a moral imperative.
- Discussions are being had about a potential visit of U.S. Senators to Ottawa, says Liberal MP John McKay.
- Discussions are being had about a potential visit of U.S. Senators to Ottawa, says Liberal MP John McKay.
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- Now more than ever, the federal government and the provinces and territories should work together to remove interprovincial trade barriers.
- Now more than ever, the federal government and the provinces and territories should work together to remove interprovincial trade barriers.