- 'It was really was a political calculus, by the Liberals to scapegoat newcomers, for their failures in their policies,' says NDP MP Jenny Kwan.
- 'It was really was a political calculus, by the Liberals to scapegoat newcomers, for their failures in their policies,' says NDP MP Jenny Kwan.
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- MPs have told family members seeking to bring relatives to Canada that arrivals aren't expected until 2027 and 2028.
- MPs have told family members seeking to bring relatives to Canada that arrivals aren't expected until 2027 and 2028.
- MPs have told family members seeking to bring relatives to Canada that arrivals aren't expected until 2027 and 2028.
- No Uyghur refugees have been resettled in Canada yet, but hope persists that arrivals could begin in November, according to advocate Mehmet Tohti.
- No Uyghur refugees have been resettled in Canada yet, but hope persists that arrivals could begin in November, according to advocate Mehmet Tohti.
- No Uyghur refugees have been resettled in Canada yet, but hope persists that arrivals could begin in November, according to advocate Mehmet Tohti.
- Regularization is not about rewarding lawbreakers; it's about rectifying systemic failings that leave many people vulnerable and uncertain.
- Regularization is not about rewarding lawbreakers; it's about rectifying systemic failings that leave many people vulnerable and uncertain.
- Regularization is not about rewarding lawbreakers; it's about rectifying systemic failings that leave many people vulnerable and uncertain.
- It is important that we prioritize and support undocumented people from marginalized backgrounds instead of excluding them with unfair requirements.

- It is important that we prioritize and support undocumented people from marginalized backgrounds instead of excluding them with unfair requirements.
- It is important that we prioritize and support undocumented people from marginalized backgrounds instead of excluding them with unfair requirements.

- With emergency shelters overwhelmed, and alarming headlines telling of refugee claimants sleeping on the streets in Toronto and other major Canadian cities, this is

- With emergency shelters overwhelmed, and alarming headlines telling of refugee claimants sleeping on the streets in Toronto and other major Canadian cities, this is
- With emergency shelters overwhelmed, and alarming headlines telling of refugee claimants sleeping on the streets in Toronto and other major Canadian cities, this is

- It’s been more than five years since I spoke to Zeinab, a young girl from Syria living in a tattered tent within a makeshift
- It’s been more than five years since I spoke to Zeinab, a young girl from Syria living in a tattered tent within a makeshift
- It’s been more than five years since I spoke to Zeinab, a young girl from Syria living in a tattered tent within a makeshift
- OTTAWA—When Bob Rae speaks, people listen. Or so it seems. Last week’s announcement by the Trudeau government of $300-million in support over three years
- OTTAWA—When Bob Rae speaks, people listen. Or so it seems. Last week’s announcement by the Trudeau government of $300-million in support over three years
- OTTAWA—When Bob Rae speaks, people listen. Or so it seems. Last week’s announcement by the Trudeau government of $300-million in support over three years
- Canada and a leading human rights organization may be on the same page when it comes to helping out Rohingya refugees from Myanmar more
- Canada and a leading human rights organization may be on the same page when it comes to helping out Rohingya refugees from Myanmar more
- Canada and a leading human rights organization may be on the same page when it comes to helping out Rohingya refugees from Myanmar more
- Good Wednesday morning, Here’s a look ahead at what’s unfolding today: It’s an early day for Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan who will be at
- Good Wednesday morning, Here’s a look ahead at what’s unfolding today: It’s an early day for Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan who will be at
- Good Wednesday morning, Here’s a look ahead at what’s unfolding today: It’s an early day for Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan who will be at
- OTTAWA—Last week, the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) announced that it would resume hearing refugee claims in Ottawa. Why is this a cautionary tale?
- OTTAWA—Last week, the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) announced that it would resume hearing refugee claims in Ottawa. Why is this a cautionary tale?
- OTTAWA—Last week, the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) announced that it would resume hearing refugee claims in Ottawa. Why is this a cautionary tale?
- The Liberals have switched to more hardline messaging around asylum seekers, say pollsters and observers, as the government’s response has left it open to
- The Liberals have switched to more hardline messaging around asylum seekers, say pollsters and observers, as the government’s response has left it open to
- The Liberals have switched to more hardline messaging around asylum seekers, say pollsters and observers, as the government’s response has left it open to
- It takes strength of character for a country to acknowledge its past mistakes. When we make a sincere effort to address the times we
- It takes strength of character for a country to acknowledge its past mistakes. When we make a sincere effort to address the times we
- It takes strength of character for a country to acknowledge its past mistakes. When we make a sincere effort to address the times we
- The UN refugee agency is appealing to Canada for funding help in a year it says has been especially tough because of the record

- The UN refugee agency is appealing to Canada for funding help in a year it says has been especially tough because of the record
- The UN refugee agency is appealing to Canada for funding help in a year it says has been especially tough because of the record

- Les Linklater’s job leading the team fixing the Phoenix pay system can be frustrating, daunting, and pressure-filled, but he empathizes with public servants’ payroll
- Les Linklater’s job leading the team fixing the Phoenix pay system can be frustrating, daunting, and pressure-filled, but he empathizes with public servants’ payroll
- Les Linklater’s job leading the team fixing the Phoenix pay system can be frustrating, daunting, and pressure-filled, but he empathizes with public servants’ payroll
- TORONTO—Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should refrain from using immigration to avoid answering questions about terrorism. These are two separate issues, and he should stop
- TORONTO—Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should refrain from using immigration to avoid answering questions about terrorism. These are two separate issues, and he should stop
- TORONTO—Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should refrain from using immigration to avoid answering questions about terrorism. These are two separate issues, and he should stop
- Just a little over two years ago, three-year-old Alan Kurdi’s tragic death on a Turkish beach shocked the conscience of Canadians. Over the following
- Just a little over two years ago, three-year-old Alan Kurdi’s tragic death on a Turkish beach shocked the conscience of Canadians. Over the following
- Just a little over two years ago, three-year-old Alan Kurdi’s tragic death on a Turkish beach shocked the conscience of Canadians. Over the following
- About 16 per cent of government programs tracked at the departmental level missed their performance targets and “require attention,” according to annual results reports
- About 16 per cent of government programs tracked at the departmental level missed their performance targets and “require attention,” according to annual results reports
- About 16 per cent of government programs tracked at the departmental level missed their performance targets and “require attention,” according to annual results reports