International Development
- Canada's premiers made their way to the White House for a meeting with senior advisers to the U.S. president on Feb. 12.
- Canada's premiers made their way to the White House for a meeting with senior advisers to the U.S. president on Feb. 12.
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- In a time of turmoil and conflict across the world, Canada’s choices can set an example for the future of aid delivery.
- In a time of turmoil and conflict across the world, Canada’s choices can set an example for the future of aid delivery.
- In a time of turmoil and conflict across the world, Canada’s choices can set an example for the future of aid delivery.
- Women’s rights organizations are doing critical work in Gaza, but are dramatically underfunded.
- Women’s rights organizations are doing critical work in Gaza, but are dramatically underfunded.
- Women’s rights organizations are doing critical work in Gaza, but are dramatically underfunded.
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- In the coming months, the government will release a new international climate finance package. We are asking for it to support small-scale food producers
- In the coming months, the government will release a new international climate finance package. We are asking for it to support small-scale food producers
- In the coming months, the government will release a new international climate finance package. We are asking for it to support small-scale food producers
- It is imperative that these announcements are just the opening note and not the crescendo of Canada’s approach to engaging with the continent.
- It is imperative that these announcements are just the opening note and not the crescendo of Canada’s approach to engaging with the continent.
- It is imperative that these announcements are just the opening note and not the crescendo of Canada’s approach to engaging with the continent.
- It’s true that the world needs more Canada, especially the developing world. Attempts to not only alleviate the worst aspects of poverty, but to
- It’s true that the world needs more Canada, especially the developing world. Attempts to not only alleviate the worst aspects of poverty, but to
- It’s true that the world needs more Canada, especially the developing world. Attempts to not only alleviate the worst aspects of poverty, but to
- Good evening, everyone. My name is Julia, and I am thrilled to be here today. I work at Global Affairs Canada, an organization with
- Good evening, everyone. My name is Julia, and I am thrilled to be here today. I work at Global Affairs Canada, an organization with
- Good evening, everyone. My name is Julia, and I am thrilled to be here today. I work at Global Affairs Canada, an organization with
- As we emerge from the G7 summit this past weekend in Charlevoix, Que., it is important to underline the progress that was made on
- As we emerge from the G7 summit this past weekend in Charlevoix, Que., it is important to underline the progress that was made on
- As we emerge from the G7 summit this past weekend in Charlevoix, Que., it is important to underline the progress that was made on
- Last week was Canadian Environment Week, a time to reflect on humanity’s impact on the natural world and what individuals can do to preserve
- Last week was Canadian Environment Week, a time to reflect on humanity’s impact on the natural world and what individuals can do to preserve
- Last week was Canadian Environment Week, a time to reflect on humanity’s impact on the natural world and what individuals can do to preserve
- It’s been more than five years since I spoke to Zeinab, a young girl from Syria living in a tattered tent within a makeshift
- It’s been more than five years since I spoke to Zeinab, a young girl from Syria living in a tattered tent within a makeshift
- It’s been more than five years since I spoke to Zeinab, a young girl from Syria living in a tattered tent within a makeshift
- More than 200 guests convened in the Adam Room at the Chateau Laurier last week to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the creation of the

- More than 200 guests convened in the Adam Room at the Chateau Laurier last week to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the creation of the
- More than 200 guests convened in the Adam Room at the Chateau Laurier last week to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the creation of the

- Each year, Canada accepts thousands of refugees. Fleeing the world’s worst atrocities, they have often been subjected to horrific violence committed by perpetrators who have
- Each year, Canada accepts thousands of refugees. Fleeing the world’s worst atrocities, they have often been subjected to horrific violence committed by perpetrators who have
- Each year, Canada accepts thousands of refugees. Fleeing the world’s worst atrocities, they have often been subjected to horrific violence committed by perpetrators who have
- Concerns over plastic pollution have never been more prevalent in public discourse. We have more evidence than ever about the abundance of plastics in
- Concerns over plastic pollution have never been more prevalent in public discourse. We have more evidence than ever about the abundance of plastics in
- Concerns over plastic pollution have never been more prevalent in public discourse. We have more evidence than ever about the abundance of plastics in
- While the world’s most powerful leaders meet in Charlevoix this week to decide the direction of global policy, half a world away in Putumayo,
- While the world’s most powerful leaders meet in Charlevoix this week to decide the direction of global policy, half a world away in Putumayo,
- While the world’s most powerful leaders meet in Charlevoix this week to decide the direction of global policy, half a world away in Putumayo,
- OTTAWA—When Bob Rae speaks, people listen. Or so it seems. Last week’s announcement by the Trudeau government of $300-million in support over three years
- OTTAWA—When Bob Rae speaks, people listen. Or so it seems. Last week’s announcement by the Trudeau government of $300-million in support over three years
- OTTAWA—When Bob Rae speaks, people listen. Or so it seems. Last week’s announcement by the Trudeau government of $300-million in support over three years
- Canada and a leading human rights organization may be on the same page when it comes to helping out Rohingya refugees from Myanmar more
- Canada and a leading human rights organization may be on the same page when it comes to helping out Rohingya refugees from Myanmar more
- Canada and a leading human rights organization may be on the same page when it comes to helping out Rohingya refugees from Myanmar more
- If you heard that Canada didn’t rank among the top 10 countries for child well-being, would it surprise you? Maybe not. You might think
- If you heard that Canada didn’t rank among the top 10 countries for child well-being, would it surprise you? Maybe not. You might think
- If you heard that Canada didn’t rank among the top 10 countries for child well-being, would it surprise you? Maybe not. You might think