International Development
- Canada's premiers made their way to the White House for a meeting with senior advisers to the U.S. president on Feb. 12.
- Canada's premiers made their way to the White House for a meeting with senior advisers to the U.S. president on Feb. 12.
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- In a time of turmoil and conflict across the world, Canada’s choices can set an example for the future of aid delivery.
- In a time of turmoil and conflict across the world, Canada’s choices can set an example for the future of aid delivery.
- In a time of turmoil and conflict across the world, Canada’s choices can set an example for the future of aid delivery.
- Women’s rights organizations are doing critical work in Gaza, but are dramatically underfunded.
- Women’s rights organizations are doing critical work in Gaza, but are dramatically underfunded.
- Women’s rights organizations are doing critical work in Gaza, but are dramatically underfunded.
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- In the coming months, the government will release a new international climate finance package. We are asking for it to support small-scale food producers
- In the coming months, the government will release a new international climate finance package. We are asking for it to support small-scale food producers
- In the coming months, the government will release a new international climate finance package. We are asking for it to support small-scale food producers
- It is imperative that these announcements are just the opening note and not the crescendo of Canada’s approach to engaging with the continent.
- It is imperative that these announcements are just the opening note and not the crescendo of Canada’s approach to engaging with the continent.
- It is imperative that these announcements are just the opening note and not the crescendo of Canada’s approach to engaging with the continent.
- Can Canada not, at least, rescue individual women, especially those who worked with Canadians on various women’s 'empowerment programs' during the war? You would

- Can Canada not, at least, rescue individual women, especially those who worked with Canadians on various women’s 'empowerment programs' during the war? You would
- Can Canada not, at least, rescue individual women, especially those who worked with Canadians on various women’s 'empowerment programs' during the war? You would

- The bodies in charge of international development do not focus on making structural changes to the global economic system and instead put the responsibility
- The bodies in charge of international development do not focus on making structural changes to the global economic system and instead put the responsibility
- The bodies in charge of international development do not focus on making structural changes to the global economic system and instead put the responsibility
- 'The truth of the matter is it is a policy that should have been crafted yesterday,' says University of Western Ontario professor Thomas Tieku.
- 'The truth of the matter is it is a policy that should have been crafted yesterday,' says University of Western Ontario professor Thomas Tieku.
- 'The truth of the matter is it is a policy that should have been crafted yesterday,' says University of Western Ontario professor Thomas Tieku.
- Canada needs to address a history of inconsistent engagement in the Indo-Pacific if the new strategy and funding are to be effective, experts say.

- Canada needs to address a history of inconsistent engagement in the Indo-Pacific if the new strategy and funding are to be effective, experts say.
- Canada needs to address a history of inconsistent engagement in the Indo-Pacific if the new strategy and funding are to be effective, experts say.

- The greatest danger for Canada is not accepting the return of children from the camps in northeast Syria. It’s leaving them there, writes Jo

- The greatest danger for Canada is not accepting the return of children from the camps in northeast Syria. It’s leaving them there, writes Jo
- The greatest danger for Canada is not accepting the return of children from the camps in northeast Syria. It’s leaving them there, writes Jo

- Oct. 16 marked 43 years since the establishment of World Food Day. Yet in 2022, the world is hungrier than ever, with hundreds of
- Oct. 16 marked 43 years since the establishment of World Food Day. Yet in 2022, the world is hungrier than ever, with hundreds of
- Oct. 16 marked 43 years since the establishment of World Food Day. Yet in 2022, the world is hungrier than ever, with hundreds of
- As unmatched flooding has displaced millions and led to the deaths of more than 1,200 people, Pakistan’s top diplomat in Canada is calling for
- As unmatched flooding has displaced millions and led to the deaths of more than 1,200 people, Pakistan’s top diplomat in Canada is calling for
- As unmatched flooding has displaced millions and led to the deaths of more than 1,200 people, Pakistan’s top diplomat in Canada is calling for
- It’s been almost a year since the Taliban took over Afghanistan. Before that, Afghanistan was already a country where 19.7 million people faced severe

- It’s been almost a year since the Taliban took over Afghanistan. Before that, Afghanistan was already a country where 19.7 million people faced severe
- It’s been almost a year since the Taliban took over Afghanistan. Before that, Afghanistan was already a country where 19.7 million people faced severe

- As the G7 development ministers meet in Berlin on May 18, hundreds of thousands are facing catastrophic hunger in Yemen, South Sudan, and Somalia.
- As the G7 development ministers meet in Berlin on May 18, hundreds of thousands are facing catastrophic hunger in Yemen, South Sudan, and Somalia.
- As the G7 development ministers meet in Berlin on May 18, hundreds of thousands are facing catastrophic hunger in Yemen, South Sudan, and Somalia.
- A new report provides a window into the Harper government’s aggressive support for a Canadian mining company in Guatemala, but MPs and human rights
- A new report provides a window into the Harper government’s aggressive support for a Canadian mining company in Guatemala, but MPs and human rights
- A new report provides a window into the Harper government’s aggressive support for a Canadian mining company in Guatemala, but MPs and human rights
- You may have noticed that landmarks across Canada, from Niagara Falls, to the CN Tower, to the Victoria Legislature, glowed red last week. On
- You may have noticed that landmarks across Canada, from Niagara Falls, to the CN Tower, to the Victoria Legislature, glowed red last week. On
- You may have noticed that landmarks across Canada, from Niagara Falls, to the CN Tower, to the Victoria Legislature, glowed red last week. On
- Whether you agreed or vehemently disagreed with the so-called Freedom Convoy’s tactics, chances are you’re tired of this pandemic. Over the winter, many Canadians

- Whether you agreed or vehemently disagreed with the so-called Freedom Convoy’s tactics, chances are you’re tired of this pandemic. Over the winter, many Canadians
- Whether you agreed or vehemently disagreed with the so-called Freedom Convoy’s tactics, chances are you’re tired of this pandemic. Over the winter, many Canadians