International Development
- Canada's premiers made their way to the White House for a meeting with senior advisers to the U.S. president on Feb. 12.
- Canada's premiers made their way to the White House for a meeting with senior advisers to the U.S. president on Feb. 12.
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- In a time of turmoil and conflict across the world, Canada’s choices can set an example for the future of aid delivery.
- In a time of turmoil and conflict across the world, Canada’s choices can set an example for the future of aid delivery.
- In a time of turmoil and conflict across the world, Canada’s choices can set an example for the future of aid delivery.
- Women’s rights organizations are doing critical work in Gaza, but are dramatically underfunded.
- Women’s rights organizations are doing critical work in Gaza, but are dramatically underfunded.
- Women’s rights organizations are doing critical work in Gaza, but are dramatically underfunded.
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- In the coming months, the government will release a new international climate finance package. We are asking for it to support small-scale food producers
- In the coming months, the government will release a new international climate finance package. We are asking for it to support small-scale food producers
- In the coming months, the government will release a new international climate finance package. We are asking for it to support small-scale food producers
- It is imperative that these announcements are just the opening note and not the crescendo of Canada’s approach to engaging with the continent.
- It is imperative that these announcements are just the opening note and not the crescendo of Canada’s approach to engaging with the continent.
- It is imperative that these announcements are just the opening note and not the crescendo of Canada’s approach to engaging with the continent.
- While waiting for the federal government’s new international assistance policy, we can see some clues about it in the recent federal budget. Canadians interested
- While waiting for the federal government’s new international assistance policy, we can see some clues about it in the recent federal budget. Canadians interested
- While waiting for the federal government’s new international assistance policy, we can see some clues about it in the recent federal budget. Canadians interested
- South Sudan, the world’s newest country, is in crisis, and not many people are paying attention. The landlocked African country broke apart from Sudan
- South Sudan, the world’s newest country, is in crisis, and not many people are paying attention. The landlocked African country broke apart from Sudan
- South Sudan, the world’s newest country, is in crisis, and not many people are paying attention. The landlocked African country broke apart from Sudan
- Imagine a world with smallpox. Now imagine a world without polio. In 2016 fewer than 40 children were infected by polio during the entire
Opinion | March 22, 2017
Opinion | March 22, 2017
- Imagine a world with smallpox. Now imagine a world without polio. In 2016 fewer than 40 children were infected by polio during the entire
Opinion | March 22, 2017
- Imagine a world with smallpox. Now imagine a world without polio. In 2016 fewer than 40 children were infected by polio during the entire
- Allegations have surfaced that aid funds intended to help Afghan children return to school were embezzled, pointing to large-scale corruption inside the country’s education
- Allegations have surfaced that aid funds intended to help Afghan children return to school were embezzled, pointing to large-scale corruption inside the country’s education
- Allegations have surfaced that aid funds intended to help Afghan children return to school were embezzled, pointing to large-scale corruption inside the country’s education
- The bursts of terrorism, bombings, and political turmoil in today’s world have convinced many people that peace is impossible. I dissent from this view.
- The bursts of terrorism, bombings, and political turmoil in today’s world have convinced many people that peace is impossible. I dissent from this view.
- The bursts of terrorism, bombings, and political turmoil in today’s world have convinced many people that peace is impossible. I dissent from this view.
- On International Women’s Day, Prime Minister Trudeau made an important pledge towards supporting a key set of rights that so often go neglected—sexual and
- On International Women’s Day, Prime Minister Trudeau made an important pledge towards supporting a key set of rights that so often go neglected—sexual and
- On International Women’s Day, Prime Minister Trudeau made an important pledge towards supporting a key set of rights that so often go neglected—sexual and
- It was Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau that reached the highest level under any federal Canadian government of giving internationally. Under his leadership, Canada was
Opinion | March 8, 2017
Opinion | March 8, 2017
- It was Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau that reached the highest level under any federal Canadian government of giving internationally. Under his leadership, Canada was
Opinion | March 8, 2017
- It was Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau that reached the highest level under any federal Canadian government of giving internationally. Under his leadership, Canada was
- Globally, 130 million girls are denied the basic right to education, meaning 130 million missed opportunities for girls to reach their full potential and
- Globally, 130 million girls are denied the basic right to education, meaning 130 million missed opportunities for girls to reach their full potential and
- Globally, 130 million girls are denied the basic right to education, meaning 130 million missed opportunities for girls to reach their full potential and
- LONDON, U.K.—For the first time in six years, there is famine in the world: a real, United Nations-declared famine, with more than 30 per
- LONDON, U.K.—For the first time in six years, there is famine in the world: a real, United Nations-declared famine, with more than 30 per
- LONDON, U.K.—For the first time in six years, there is famine in the world: a real, United Nations-declared famine, with more than 30 per
- The key metric that measures the level of a government’s assistance to developing countries, official development assistance (ODA), was set at a target of
Opinion | February 22, 2017
Opinion | February 22, 2017
- The key metric that measures the level of a government’s assistance to developing countries, official development assistance (ODA), was set at a target of
Opinion | February 22, 2017
- The key metric that measures the level of a government’s assistance to developing countries, official development assistance (ODA), was set at a target of
- Why is it that international aid, much like music in the schools, is one of the first things to go when the budget gets
Opinion | February 22, 2017
Opinion | February 22, 2017
- Why is it that international aid, much like music in the schools, is one of the first things to go when the budget gets
Opinion | February 22, 2017
- Why is it that international aid, much like music in the schools, is one of the first things to go when the budget gets
- Canada earns three times the world average income, while 72 per cent of the world population live in countries that are below the average. That puts us in the
Opinion | February 20, 2017
Opinion | February 20, 2017
- Canada earns three times the world average income, while 72 per cent of the world population live in countries that are below the average. That puts us in the
Opinion | February 20, 2017
- Canada earns three times the world average income, while 72 per cent of the world population live in countries that are below the average. That puts us in the