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- More than three-quarters of exported Canadian goods went to the United States in September, according to Global Affairs statistics.
- More than three-quarters of exported Canadian goods went to the United States in September, according to Global Affairs statistics.
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- If foreign powers can convince mainstream Canadian media to report a message they wish to advance 'it's quite dangerous' because it lends 'credibility to the entire narrative,’ said MLI’s Marcus Kolga.
- If foreign powers can convince mainstream Canadian media to report a message they wish to advance 'it's quite dangerous' because it lends 'credibility to the entire narrative,’ said MLI’s Marcus Kolga.
- The Russians have begun 'tactical offensive operations' in Ukraine in 2024, according to Canadian Global Affairs Institute fellow Andrew Rasiulis, 'which have been quite successful,' pointing to the loss of the city of Adviika in Ukraine to the Russians in mid-February.
- The Russians have begun 'tactical offensive operations' in Ukraine in 2024, according to Canadian Global Affairs Institute fellow Andrew Rasiulis, 'which have been quite successful,' pointing to the loss of the city of Adviika in Ukraine to the Russians in mid-February.
- Plus, new House Speaker Greg Fergus launches the 2024-2025 Page Program, and Ottawa is set to host the Canada-CARICOM Summit.
- Plus, new House Speaker Greg Fergus launches the 2024-2025 Page Program, and Ottawa is set to host the Canada-CARICOM Summit.
- From offering stark headlines about the events to added context about the history of Nazis in post-WWII Canada, international media have been covering the Yaroslav Hunka incident, while the Russian media propaganda machine has gone into ‘overdrive.’
- From offering stark headlines about the events to added context about the history of Nazis in post-WWII Canada, international media have been covering the Yaroslav Hunka incident, while the Russian media propaganda machine has gone into ‘overdrive.’
- Automated defences protected the government from 2.3-trillion cyber attacks in the last year, or an average of 6.3 billion a day.
- Automated defences protected the government from 2.3-trillion cyber attacks in the last year, or an average of 6.3 billion a day.
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