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- If Canada wants to be useful in the world, we should be a champion for multilateralism, as we once were.
- If Canada wants to be useful in the world, we should be a champion for multilateralism, as we once were.
- BRICS+ represents a long overdue step toward a new world order where the developing world's interests have greater influence.
- BRICS+ represents a long overdue step toward a new world order where the developing world's interests have greater influence.
- We can choose to be a leader for multilateralism, rather than serving as a junior partner for those who seek fragmentation.
- We can choose to be a leader for multilateralism, rather than serving as a junior partner for those who seek fragmentation.
- We shouldn't have to wait for another global crisis to halt this geo-economic march to folly. But that seems to be our fate in the absence of far-seeing global leadership. So much for the 2020s.
- We shouldn't have to wait for another global crisis to halt this geo-economic march to folly. But that seems to be our fate in the absence of far-seeing global leadership. So much for the 2020s.
- Chrystia Freeland should pay attention to the warnings of Kevin Rudd, the former Australian prime minister and now Australian ambassador to the United States. 'We have entered a new, uncharted era where there are, as yet, no new rules of the road. China has reached a similar conclusion. The time has therefore come to craft some new ones before it’s too late.'
- Chrystia Freeland should pay attention to the warnings of Kevin Rudd, the former Australian prime minister and now Australian ambassador to the United States. 'We have entered a new, uncharted era where there are, as yet, no new rules of the road. China has reached a similar conclusion. The time has therefore come to craft some new ones before it’s too late.'
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