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- The Prime Minister’s Office and the Liberal Party still won't say whether ministers can participate in the leadership election without resigning from cabinet.
- The Prime Minister’s Office and the Liberal Party still won't say whether ministers can participate in the leadership election without resigning from cabinet.
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- We need only look back to previous MAID cases to see why and how to do exemption orders.
- We need only look back to previous MAID cases to see why and how to do exemption orders.
- The Senate seems to be stuck in the past as their discussions on MAID are obviously deeply rooted in an outdated medical model.
- The Senate seems to be stuck in the past as their discussions on MAID are obviously deeply rooted in an outdated medical model.
- Arif Virani may be justified in presenting his case for further delaying MAID's planned expansion, but he is not justified in ignoring those who have worked so hard on getting the system ready, writes Alexandra McPherson.
- Arif Virani may be justified in presenting his case for further delaying MAID's planned expansion, but he is not justified in ignoring those who have worked so hard on getting the system ready, writes Alexandra McPherson.
- With a law already on the books that says an expansion of MAID will become legal on March 17, the Senate holds some leverage in the matter. If a bill does not pass both houses by that date, the sunset clause will expire.
- With a law already on the books that says an expansion of MAID will become legal on March 17, the Senate holds some leverage in the matter. If a bill does not pass both houses by that date, the sunset clause will expire.
- The Senate will receive legislation that is based on mis- and disinformation about the expansion of MAID. It must look to its legacy as a human rights defender and defeat the bill, writes Daphne Gilbert.
- The Senate will receive legislation that is based on mis- and disinformation about the expansion of MAID. It must look to its legacy as a human rights defender and defeat the bill, writes Daphne Gilbert.
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