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- Alongside a $350,000 registration fee, the Liberal Party will take a 25 per cent cut of all leadership campaign donations over $500,000.
- Alongside a $350,000 registration fee, the Liberal Party will take a 25 per cent cut of all leadership campaign donations over $500,000.
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- ‘It’s excellent that people are coming to the table and having these conversations. But we need to be more fulsome, we need to be more substantive, we need to be more concrete,’ says the Joy Smith Foundation’s Janet Campbell.
- ‘It’s excellent that people are coming to the table and having these conversations. But we need to be more fulsome, we need to be more substantive, we need to be more concrete,’ says the Joy Smith Foundation’s Janet Campbell.
- In the waning days of the election campaign, the Progressive Conservative government put up billboards defending its refusal to search Winnipeg-area landfills for the remains of three missing women.
- In the waning days of the election campaign, the Progressive Conservative government put up billboards defending its refusal to search Winnipeg-area landfills for the remains of three missing women.
- Until we find every single missing and murdered Indigenous woman and girl lost, reconciliation is an empty word. We are responsible to uphold the rights of all Canadians, including Indigenous Peoples.
- Until we find every single missing and murdered Indigenous woman and girl lost, reconciliation is an empty word. We are responsible to uphold the rights of all Canadians, including Indigenous Peoples.
- Colonialism and racism are alive and well in Canada, and the police's refusal to search for the remains of Indigenous women in a Winnipeg dump is the latest evidence.
- Colonialism and racism are alive and well in Canada, and the police's refusal to search for the remains of Indigenous women in a Winnipeg dump is the latest evidence.
- As a Black woman, my indifference towards the death of a police dog is warranted, especially given that Black people are more likely to be targets of their viciousness.
- As a Black woman, my indifference towards the death of a police dog is warranted, especially given that Black people are more likely to be targets of their viciousness.
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