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More News
- The Prime Minister’s Office and the Liberal Party still won't say whether ministers can participate in the leadership election without resigning from cabinet.
- The Prime Minister’s Office and the Liberal Party still won't say whether ministers can participate in the leadership election without resigning from cabinet.
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- Increased federal health-care funding and bilateral agreements with the provinces and territories are welcome, but let’s not fall under the illusion that the health workforce crisis has vanished.
- Increased federal health-care funding and bilateral agreements with the provinces and territories are welcome, but let’s not fall under the illusion that the health workforce crisis has vanished.
- ‘One beauty’ of having 13 different health-care systems is ‘they don't all have to do it the same way,’ which leaves ‘space for innovation,’ says Charles Breton of the Institute for Research on Public Policy.
- ‘One beauty’ of having 13 different health-care systems is ‘they don't all have to do it the same way,’ which leaves ‘space for innovation,’ says Charles Breton of the Institute for Research on Public Policy.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Canada’s premiers will meet on Feb. 7 to discuss a new funding deal for health care with the provinces.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Canada’s premiers will meet on Feb. 7 to discuss a new funding deal for health care with the provinces.
- Canada must break down the silos in our health system, adjust our delivery models, modernize physical and digital infrastructure, and support a better flow of data, information, and resources.
- Canada must break down the silos in our health system, adjust our delivery models, modernize physical and digital infrastructure, and support a better flow of data, information, and resources.
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