Justin Trudeau
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent without consideration for the public purse, failed to encourage greater unity, and was ineffective in governing.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent without consideration for the public purse, failed to encourage greater unity, and was ineffective in governing.
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- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is intent on wrapping up his political career in the same manner he spent it—promising, but not delivering, but still

- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is intent on wrapping up his political career in the same manner he spent it—promising, but not delivering, but still
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is intent on wrapping up his political career in the same manner he spent it—promising, but not delivering, but still

- Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge says it's important to complete her mandate, but Carleton journalism professor Chris Waddell says he's ‘not sure this will survive
- Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge says it's important to complete her mandate, but Carleton journalism professor Chris Waddell says he's ‘not sure this will survive
- Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge says it's important to complete her mandate, but Carleton journalism professor Chris Waddell says he's ‘not sure this will survive
- Former Canadian diplomat Colin Robertson says the world is returning to a ‘darker age for small- and medium-sized powers like Canada’ as Donald Trump
- Former Canadian diplomat Colin Robertson says the world is returning to a ‘darker age for small- and medium-sized powers like Canada’ as Donald Trump
- Former Canadian diplomat Colin Robertson says the world is returning to a ‘darker age for small- and medium-sized powers like Canada’ as Donald Trump
- International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they're ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state

- International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they're ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state
- International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they're ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state

- Those on the ‘wrong side’ of the debate have been vilified, while those promoting Canada are suddenly in vogue.

- Those on the ‘wrong side’ of the debate have been vilified, while those promoting Canada are suddenly in vogue.
- Those on the ‘wrong side’ of the debate have been vilified, while those promoting Canada are suddenly in vogue.

- My Christmas conspiracy theory is that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided—long before his dramatic split with former cabinet minister Chrystia Freeland—to resign his position,
- My Christmas conspiracy theory is that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided—long before his dramatic split with former cabinet minister Chrystia Freeland—to resign his position,
- My Christmas conspiracy theory is that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided—long before his dramatic split with former cabinet minister Chrystia Freeland—to resign his position,
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is consulting his most trusted political aides about his future, say some Liberal sources.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is consulting his most trusted political aides about his future, say some Liberal sources.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is consulting his most trusted political aides about his future, say some Liberal sources.
- As the House rises for 2024, Liberal backbenchers get their turn in the spotlight following the fallout from Chrystia Freeland’s cabinet resignation.

- As the House rises for 2024, Liberal backbenchers get their turn in the spotlight following the fallout from Chrystia Freeland’s cabinet resignation.
- As the House rises for 2024, Liberal backbenchers get their turn in the spotlight following the fallout from Chrystia Freeland’s cabinet resignation.

- Chrystia Freeland gave us all a valuable lesson on what happens when you lose the support of your star players.
- Chrystia Freeland gave us all a valuable lesson on what happens when you lose the support of your star players.
- Chrystia Freeland gave us all a valuable lesson on what happens when you lose the support of your star players.
- The results of The Hill Times’ 2024 year-end poll are in. Liberal MP Sean Fraser scores a hat trick and takes the ‘Most Valuable
- The results of The Hill Times’ 2024 year-end poll are in. Liberal MP Sean Fraser scores a hat trick and takes the ‘Most Valuable
- The results of The Hill Times’ 2024 year-end poll are in. Liberal MP Sean Fraser scores a hat trick and takes the ‘Most Valuable
- Expect a revival of the David-and-Goliath narrative to be dusted off and presented to Canadians.
- Expect a revival of the David-and-Goliath narrative to be dusted off and presented to Canadians.
- Expect a revival of the David-and-Goliath narrative to be dusted off and presented to Canadians.
- Did Freeland's firing expose Trudeau as a fake feminist? To some, this is an irrefutable fact, but Trudeau has also humiliated male ministers, including

- Did Freeland's firing expose Trudeau as a fake feminist? To some, this is an irrefutable fact, but Trudeau has also humiliated male ministers, including
- Did Freeland's firing expose Trudeau as a fake feminist? To some, this is an irrefutable fact, but Trudeau has also humiliated male ministers, including

- With leaks to The Globe and Mail last week reporting of friction between Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland, she appeared to address the rumours
- With leaks to The Globe and Mail last week reporting of friction between Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland, she appeared to address the rumours
- With leaks to The Globe and Mail last week reporting of friction between Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland, she appeared to address the rumours
- The upcoming shuffle is unlikely to improve the Liberals' electoral fortunes, says Darrell Bricker, CEO of Ipsos Public Affairs.
- The upcoming shuffle is unlikely to improve the Liberals' electoral fortunes, says Darrell Bricker, CEO of Ipsos Public Affairs.
- The upcoming shuffle is unlikely to improve the Liberals' electoral fortunes, says Darrell Bricker, CEO of Ipsos Public Affairs.
- Voters still overwhelmingly prefer Conservatives, but Trudeau has become more competitive against Poilievre when dealing with the U.S. president-elect.

- Voters still overwhelmingly prefer Conservatives, but Trudeau has become more competitive against Poilievre when dealing with the U.S. president-elect.
- Voters still overwhelmingly prefer Conservatives, but Trudeau has become more competitive against Poilievre when dealing with the U.S. president-elect.

- Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon said the call to designate Black people as a distinctive class under the Employment Equity Act is ‘under active consideration.’

- Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon said the call to designate Black people as a distinctive class under the Employment Equity Act is ‘under active consideration.’
- Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon said the call to designate Black people as a distinctive class under the Employment Equity Act is ‘under active consideration.’

- These changes could address oversight of the federal public service, such as the seemingly political stances of Privy Council Clerk John Hannaford.
- These changes could address oversight of the federal public service, such as the seemingly political stances of Privy Council Clerk John Hannaford.
- These changes could address oversight of the federal public service, such as the seemingly political stances of Privy Council Clerk John Hannaford.