Justin Trudeau

- International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they're ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state rhetoric and whether it was genuine or whether it was just bluster.’
- International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they're ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state rhetoric and whether it was genuine or whether it was just bluster.’
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- A return to reasoned debate, where leaders answer each other’s points, rather than trade insults, would do a lot to restore our tired democracy.

- A return to reasoned debate, where leaders answer each other’s points, rather than trade insults, would do a lot to restore our tired democracy.
- A return to reasoned debate, where leaders answer each other’s points, rather than trade insults, would do a lot to restore our tired democracy.

- Ontarians will head to the polls in a snap provincial election on Feb. 27, just over a week before federal Liberal Party members choose

- Ontarians will head to the polls in a snap provincial election on Feb. 27, just over a week before federal Liberal Party members choose
- Ontarians will head to the polls in a snap provincial election on Feb. 27, just over a week before federal Liberal Party members choose

- Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre indicates he won’t change his ‘axe the tax’ messaging in light of some Liberal leadership candidates planning to drop the
- Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre indicates he won’t change his ‘axe the tax’ messaging in light of some Liberal leadership candidates planning to drop the
- Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre indicates he won’t change his ‘axe the tax’ messaging in light of some Liberal leadership candidates planning to drop the
- 'It was really was a political calculus, by the Liberals to scapegoat newcomers, for their failures in their policies,' says NDP MP Jenny Kwan.
- 'It was really was a political calculus, by the Liberals to scapegoat newcomers, for their failures in their policies,' says NDP MP Jenny Kwan.
- 'It was really was a political calculus, by the Liberals to scapegoat newcomers, for their failures in their policies,' says NDP MP Jenny Kwan.
- However, a former federal Liberal candidate says the leadership race can provide the party with a captive audience for their messaging.
- However, a former federal Liberal candidate says the leadership race can provide the party with a captive audience for their messaging.
- However, a former federal Liberal candidate says the leadership race can provide the party with a captive audience for their messaging.
- If the Liberals release an election TV ad highlighting Trudeau’s beaming face, the public's reaction could be along the lines of 'Not that guy
- If the Liberals release an election TV ad highlighting Trudeau’s beaming face, the public's reaction could be along the lines of 'Not that guy
- If the Liberals release an election TV ad highlighting Trudeau’s beaming face, the public's reaction could be along the lines of 'Not that guy
- The Liberals are getting to a place where they need to decide if they are going to stumble into an election walloping, or do
- The Liberals are getting to a place where they need to decide if they are going to stumble into an election walloping, or do
- The Liberals are getting to a place where they need to decide if they are going to stumble into an election walloping, or do
- Justin Trudeau and the carbon tax are intertwined, and his political unpopularity is putting the whole concept of a carbon tax on death’s door.
- Justin Trudeau and the carbon tax are intertwined, and his political unpopularity is putting the whole concept of a carbon tax on death’s door.
- Justin Trudeau and the carbon tax are intertwined, and his political unpopularity is putting the whole concept of a carbon tax on death’s door.
- Without pausing the upcoming carbon price increase on April 1, it’s hard to find a way to get the Liberals out of their public
- Without pausing the upcoming carbon price increase on April 1, it’s hard to find a way to get the Liberals out of their public
- Without pausing the upcoming carbon price increase on April 1, it’s hard to find a way to get the Liberals out of their public
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will ‘either walk up to the edge of the next election and run, or he'll walk up to the edge

- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will ‘either walk up to the edge of the next election and run, or he'll walk up to the edge
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will ‘either walk up to the edge of the next election and run, or he'll walk up to the edge

- Ed Broadbent, before his passing, agreed to join Liberals and Conservatives in an effort to save the structure and he was ready to co-sign
- Ed Broadbent, before his passing, agreed to join Liberals and Conservatives in an effort to save the structure and he was ready to co-sign
- Ed Broadbent, before his passing, agreed to join Liberals and Conservatives in an effort to save the structure and he was ready to co-sign
- In this climate, nervous backbenchers, pollsters, and strategists seem to think hitting the 'leadership change' button will improve their fortunes. That would be a
- In this climate, nervous backbenchers, pollsters, and strategists seem to think hitting the 'leadership change' button will improve their fortunes. That would be a
- In this climate, nervous backbenchers, pollsters, and strategists seem to think hitting the 'leadership change' button will improve their fortunes. That would be a
- If Justin Trudeau were to step down now, it would not only look like the worst kind of expediency, it would likely doom his
- If Justin Trudeau were to step down now, it would not only look like the worst kind of expediency, it would likely doom his
- If Justin Trudeau were to step down now, it would not only look like the worst kind of expediency, it would likely doom his
- Political memes are stubbornly shaping our perceptions of party leaders.

- Political memes are stubbornly shaping our perceptions of party leaders.
- Political memes are stubbornly shaping our perceptions of party leaders.

- Political insiders say the gender identity and trans rights issue may not be a defining one in the next election, but it could dampen
- Political insiders say the gender identity and trans rights issue may not be a defining one in the next election, but it could dampen
- Political insiders say the gender identity and trans rights issue may not be a defining one in the next election, but it could dampen
- Our public space has become a house of mirrors, where nothing is what it seems. People want to know who and what they are actually
- Our public space has become a house of mirrors, where nothing is what it seems. People want to know who and what they are actually
- Our public space has become a house of mirrors, where nothing is what it seems. People want to know who and what they are actually
- TORONTO—If an election were to be held today—assuming the polls are right—Pierre Poilievre would become our prime minister, heading what could even be a majority
- TORONTO—If an election were to be held today—assuming the polls are right—Pierre Poilievre would become our prime minister, heading what could even be a majority
- TORONTO—If an election were to be held today—assuming the polls are right—Pierre Poilievre would become our prime minister, heading what could even be a majority