Political Parties

- For the Liberals to recover more of their lost political ground, Pierre Poilievre would have to make some missteps, says pollster Nik Nanos. Also, 'Justin Trudeau is no longer on the menu.'
- For the Liberals to recover more of their lost political ground, Pierre Poilievre would have to make some missteps, says pollster Nik Nanos. Also, 'Justin Trudeau is no longer on the menu.'
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- However, a former federal Liberal candidate says the leadership race can provide the party with a captive audience for their messaging.
- However, a former federal Liberal candidate says the leadership race can provide the party with a captive audience for their messaging.
- However, a former federal Liberal candidate says the leadership race can provide the party with a captive audience for their messaging.
- U.S. President Donald Trump also drops numerous bombshells for Canada in his World Economic Forum address as Liberals meet in Ottawa.
- U.S. President Donald Trump also drops numerous bombshells for Canada in his World Economic Forum address as Liberals meet in Ottawa.
- U.S. President Donald Trump also drops numerous bombshells for Canada in his World Economic Forum address as Liberals meet in Ottawa.
- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to
- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to
- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to
- Since the leadership race will be short, candidates won't have time to sign up a large number of new members, so the existing membership
- Since the leadership race will be short, candidates won't have time to sign up a large number of new members, so the existing membership
- Since the leadership race will be short, candidates won't have time to sign up a large number of new members, so the existing membership
- The national Liberal caucus is meeting on Thursday and Friday on the Hill, with regional caucus meetings to start on Wednesday, say Liberal MPs.
- The national Liberal caucus is meeting on Thursday and Friday on the Hill, with regional caucus meetings to start on Wednesday, say Liberal MPs.
- The national Liberal caucus is meeting on Thursday and Friday on the Hill, with regional caucus meetings to start on Wednesday, say Liberal MPs.
- Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe “My first thoughts go to his wife, Jacinthe, as well as her four charming daughters. I fully understand the
- Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe “My first thoughts go to his wife, Jacinthe, as well as her four charming daughters. I fully understand the
- Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe “My first thoughts go to his wife, Jacinthe, as well as her four charming daughters. I fully understand the
- People remember former prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau for many things-pirouettes behind the Queen’s back, driving a convertible Mercedes, single red roses. MPs who
- People remember former prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau for many things-pirouettes behind the Queen’s back, driving a convertible Mercedes, single red roses. MPs who
- People remember former prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau for many things-pirouettes behind the Queen’s back, driving a convertible Mercedes, single red roses. MPs who
- An end-of-summer barbeque for Tory staffers and directors of communications hosted by PMO communications supremo Sandra Buckler came perilously close to turning out the
- An end-of-summer barbeque for Tory staffers and directors of communications hosted by PMO communications supremo Sandra Buckler came perilously close to turning out the
- An end-of-summer barbeque for Tory staffers and directors of communications hosted by PMO communications supremo Sandra Buckler came perilously close to turning out the
- “The future of this country is more important than the future of the Liberal Party,” Jean Chrétien once said. That was when he was
- “The future of this country is more important than the future of the Liberal Party,” Jean Chrétien once said. That was when he was
- “The future of this country is more important than the future of the Liberal Party,” Jean Chrétien once said. That was when he was
- WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6 An Evening with John Baird and Political Humourist Todd Butler-Join Treasury Board President Baird for dinner and some humour. 5 p.m.
- WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6 An Evening with John Baird and Political Humourist Todd Butler-Join Treasury Board President Baird for dinner and some humour. 5 p.m.
- WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6 An Evening with John Baird and Political Humourist Todd Butler-Join Treasury Board President Baird for dinner and some humour. 5 p.m.
- Who says Conservatives don’t have a sense of humour? This Wednesday, the Edmonton Centre riding association hosts an evening of “dinner and humour”with Treasury
- Who says Conservatives don’t have a sense of humour? This Wednesday, the Edmonton Centre riding association hosts an evening of “dinner and humour”with Treasury
- Who says Conservatives don’t have a sense of humour? This Wednesday, the Edmonton Centre riding association hosts an evening of “dinner and humour”with Treasury
- The Green Party of Canada’s strategy to win seats in the House will be to break down a “psychological barrier” in the minds of
- The Green Party of Canada’s strategy to win seats in the House will be to break down a “psychological barrier” in the minds of
- The Green Party of Canada’s strategy to win seats in the House will be to break down a “psychological barrier” in the minds of
- Liberal MP Maria Minna (Beaches-East York, Ont.) wants to know where the Conservative government stands on the Status of Women, after REAL Women of
- Liberal MP Maria Minna (Beaches-East York, Ont.) wants to know where the Conservative government stands on the Status of Women, after REAL Women of
- Liberal MP Maria Minna (Beaches-East York, Ont.) wants to know where the Conservative government stands on the Status of Women, after REAL Women of
- The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs committee studying the Federal Accountability Act is likely to make an amendment to scrap the bill’s proposal for
- The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs committee studying the Federal Accountability Act is likely to make an amendment to scrap the bill’s proposal for
- The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs committee studying the Federal Accountability Act is likely to make an amendment to scrap the bill’s proposal for
- A group of 11 Calgary West, Alta., Tories have filed a lawsuit to block the acclamation of Conservative MP Rob Anders as the official
- A group of 11 Calgary West, Alta., Tories have filed a lawsuit to block the acclamation of Conservative MP Rob Anders as the official
- A group of 11 Calgary West, Alta., Tories have filed a lawsuit to block the acclamation of Conservative MP Rob Anders as the official
- The traditional marriage lobby intends to launch a “15-point lobbying campaign” this month costing “tens of thousands of dollars.” They will lobby MPs of
- The traditional marriage lobby intends to launch a “15-point lobbying campaign” this month costing “tens of thousands of dollars.” They will lobby MPs of
- The traditional marriage lobby intends to launch a “15-point lobbying campaign” this month costing “tens of thousands of dollars.” They will lobby MPs of
- Carolyn Bennett was a backbencher under the Jean Chrétien government, and throughout her campaign for leadership of the Liberal party, she has presented herself
- Carolyn Bennett was a backbencher under the Jean Chrétien government, and throughout her campaign for leadership of the Liberal party, she has presented herself
- Carolyn Bennett was a backbencher under the Jean Chrétien government, and throughout her campaign for leadership of the Liberal party, she has presented herself