Monday, February 10, 2025

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Monday, February 10, 2025 | Latest Paper

Jennifer Ditchburn

Jennifer Ditchburn is editor-in-chief of Policy Options, formerly a reporter with The Canadian Press and CBC Television on Parliament Hill. She first joined the gallery in 1997.

Opinion | BY JENNIFER DITCHBURN | November 23, 2022
Consider the meteor shower of complex challenges that is raining down on Canada—from an increasingly precarious geopolitical environment, to worsening climate change, to nagging labour shortages. How do governments decide what to prioritize, asks Jennifer Ditchburn. Image courtesy of Pexels/Andre Furtado
Opinion | BY JENNIFER DITCHBURN | November 23, 2022
Opinion | BY JENNIFER DITCHBURN | November 23, 2022
Consider the meteor shower of complex challenges that is raining down on Canada—from an increasingly precarious geopolitical environment, to worsening climate change, to nagging labour shortages. How do governments decide what to prioritize, asks Jennifer Ditchburn. Image courtesy of Pexels/Andre Furtado
Opinion | BY JENNIFER DITCHBURN | April 11, 2022
The Freedom Convoy protests that occupied Ottawa in February were just the most in-your-face example of how emotion reigns in most policy conversations today, writes Jennifer Ditchburn. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY JENNIFER DITCHBURN | April 11, 2022
Opinion | BY JENNIFER DITCHBURN | April 11, 2022
The Freedom Convoy protests that occupied Ottawa in February were just the most in-your-face example of how emotion reigns in most policy conversations today, writes Jennifer Ditchburn. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
FeatureBY JENNIFER DITCHBURN | May 30, 2016
Le Devoir reporter Hélène Buzzetti, then president of the Parliamentary Press Gallery, pictured Oct. 16, 2010, making her way to the stage in a bikini for the opening speech of the annual Press Gallery Dinner in Ottawa—lampooning the government for $57,000 spent on a fake lake for that year's G8-G20 meetings. Photograph courtesy: The Canadian Press Fred Chartrand
FeatureBY JENNIFER DITCHBURN | May 30, 2016
FeatureBY JENNIFER DITCHBURN | May 30, 2016
Le Devoir reporter Hélène Buzzetti, then president of the Parliamentary Press Gallery, pictured Oct. 16, 2010, making her way to the stage in a bikini for the opening speech of the annual Press Gallery Dinner in Ottawa—lampooning the government for $57,000 spent on a fake lake for that year's G8-G20 meetings. Photograph courtesy: The Canadian Press Fred Chartrand