Premiers send ‘strong message’ in D.C., but defusing Trump’s tariff bomb a big hurdle, say observers

Canada’s premiers made their way to the White House for a meeting with senior advisers to the U.S. president on Feb. 12.
USAID chaos reveals crossroad for Canada’s foreign-aid funding

Foreign aid cuts in the U.S. could provide ‘fodder’ for a Canadian government to go down a similar path, says international assistance expert Liam Swiss.
The next Liberal leader must do right by Palestinians

The next Liberal leader can do right by Canadians who want to do right for Palestinians.
Canada can help improve the lives of the world’s children

Canada has a chance to help transform millions of children’s lives by supporting a new treaty to expand the right to free public education to include free pre-primary and free secondary school for all children.
We can end the HIV epidemic, but Canada is falling behind global targets

Canada has the resources, the expertise, and the infrastructure to end HIV in our lifetime. Every action, big or small, brings us one step closer to a future where HIV no longer plays a role in the health and well-being of Canadians.
A paradigm shift is needed on Canada’s approach to international humanitarian aid

In a time of turmoil and conflict across the world, Canada’s choices can set an example for the future of aid delivery.
Women are essential to the peace process

Women’s rights organizations are doing critical work in Gaza, but are dramatically underfunded.
Feds say Africa strategy ready ‘very soon,’ but no date offered

The wait for Canada’s long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa’s absence on the continent.
Climate finance should target resilient food systems

In the coming months, the government will release a new international climate finance package. We are asking for it to support small-scale food producers in the Global South in adapting to climate change, writes Carol Thiessen.
Progress towards partnership: Canada taking strides on African engagement

It is imperative that these announcements are just the opening note and not the crescendo of Canada’s approach to engaging with the continent.