Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Canada’s Politics and Government News Source Since 1989

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 | Latest Paper

Senator Mary Jane McCallum and Ron Phillips

Senator Mary Jane McCallum is non-affiliated Senator for Manitoba, appointed to the Upper Chamber in 2017. Ron Phillips is an associate professor in education at Nipissing University in North Bay, Ont. His area of research is First Nation education.

From approximately 1982 to 2016, the federal government was aware that its funding of First Nation schools on reserves was inadequate. When schools were transferred to ‘local,’ or First Nation, control, many of the education supports and services did not follow the children. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
From approximately 1982 to 2016, the federal government was aware that its funding of First Nation schools on reserves was inadequate. When schools were transferred to ‘local,’ or First Nation, control, many of the education supports and services did not follow the children. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade