Inuktut becomes first Indigenous language spoken in Canada available on Google Translate
ITK President Natan Obed says the inclusion of Inuktut on the translation platform can empower Inuit to ‘interact more fully in the digital world.’
Barbados was right to cut ties with the monarchy
We can remain on good terms with the Crown, but we can swear allegiance to Canada and its people, free ourselves of many of the anachronisms of colonialism, and be genuinely independent.
Katestagate: a case study in the loss of institutional credibility
When the standing of authority is threatened by its own deception, the coalescence of public trust around that authority disintegrates.
Private member’s bill to make MPs’ oath to King Charles III optional could prove ‘more trouble than it’s worth’ for government
Liberal MP René Arseneault’s oath of allegiance bill would raise constitutional issues and cast doubt on the legality of a similar law passed in Quebec, says Philippe Lagassé. But the Bloc Québécois says it will support the bill.
Murky access-to-information responses aren’t fit for a king
Probing for records on the processes used for some high-ranking official endeavours can yield bits of data that, in turn, raise more questions.
The coronation an upbeat interlude in a country going from Brexit to Bregret
U.K. consumers have been facing the worst decline in living standards since the 1950s as a result of the combination of soaring inflation and central bank-decreed increases in borrowing costs.
Polls show more Canadians are turning their backs on the monarchy, but few ask why
There has never been a solid answer as to why the country would terminate the monarchy without knowing what the replacement would be.
As Charles III is crowned Canada’s King, Canadians take stock of their relationship with the monarchy
The results of an Angus Reid Institute survey last month found that slightly more than half of Canadians said they don’t want Canada to continue as a constitutional monarchy, and the same percentage believe that Charles will be a worse monarch than his mother.
Canada likely to keep calm and carry on with the monarchy
Many of the people who will tune in see all the pomp, circumstance, and ceremony to formalize the position of a man born in England, allegedly anointed by God to be monarch of his nation and ours, won’t have been alive the last time such a spectacle took place. The coronation of King Charles III […]
King Charles III’s coronation a chance for Canada to break away from monarchy, says Bloc MP Fortin
A ceremony will be held in Ottawa for the coronation of King Charles III on May 6, which will begin a new chapter in Canada’s history, according to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.